Thursday, January 27, 2011

WOW again!
And to have 2 WOW mornings in a row...well, I wish that for all of you!

Thank you again Sandra( and Joanne and all my peeps on the Tuesday call.
Donating $2 to my Uganda Hiv/Clinic trip via your business, Sandra?.. WOW! I think I need a T shirt or sports car with supportive sponsor business stickers...( ok..just dreaming)

Yesterday, I spoke to a fantastic group of Health Career student and staff at Parkland Community college. I put the challenge to them. No worries about raising $1000 dollars... how about raising 1000 BANDAIDS? I think they are going to do it!

Many of you dont know this: I am a Humor Advisor for the Humor Academy via Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (

Last nite was my first meeting with my group. I raised the question," How many of you were class clowns? Not all of them were. The discussion continued about when you are, " the funny one", you are expected to " be on" all the time. Several of us spoke about people asking" whats wrong?" if our" funny bone' is not in high gear. I have been in that position many times.

Bluntly put, sometimes it sucks to be an extrovert. Especially when( as in the past 7 months) I had to take time to go within and uncover, discover and rediscover parts of me that I gave all sorts of labels to( some not fit to print!).

I know of several of my funny buddies that are going thru tough times and their " recharge" takes longer. The expectations we place on ourselves "to be something we are not" at that time" is a heavy burden to bear.

Doing " funny" on demand is not easy. It's like expecting a Geo Metro ( 16.2 sec going 0-60) to perform like a Porche GTS (4.4 sec for the same). And Yes, I asked my husband about these car references.

I know as a funny person, spontaneously or.. writing material and testing it out... some days I am a Geo Metro, some days I am a Porsche GTS.

I appreciate all the people in my life that have taken a risk to step outside of their perceived selves, all those that have had to take a dose of their own humor medicine, all those that have had hardship foist upon them and ask themselves some very hard are the people that I take into my heart today.. you are the people that inspire me, you are the people that educate me and you are the people that I take on my journey...whatever I am driving...

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