Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello All Humor Filled, Laughter Lovers and Mirth Medicine People!

Its been awhile since I " blogged" , " posted" or just stopped in to say hello.

Starting Feb 1 I am going to take and start a 100 day health challenge. I will be recording it right here, with humor and grace and a smile on my face!

And what prompted all of this. Well, for the past 7 months I have been on an inner quest for peace from my inner voices of blame and shame. I took a risk to " come apart" for awhile. As an extrovert, this means I was risking the possibility of abandonment. As a human bean, who purports humor, laughter and mirth for healing, I was having to swallow many doses of my own medicine.

As a humorist and " funny lady", exploring shame and blame( which give rise to a lot of great funny material) is not easy. Frustrating my therapist was a weekly occurrence.
I am a story teller... and the therapist would often say, "You are story telling.. How do you FEEEEEEEEl?" I was grateful that she never asked " Would you just get to the point!?!"

Back to my 100 day health challenge. Last week, I mended fences with a family member. I felt like I dropped 20 lbs of emotional weight. I want my body to catch up. And, I want to be in shape ( round is a shape, right?) for my volunteer trek to Kampala, Uganda, Africa ( more on that later)

I have a whole bunch of really awesome women friends via Sandra Ahten's Reasonable Diet (www.reasonablediet.com)Group that want to 100 day journey with me. They are supporting me emotionally, spiritually, financially ( for my volunteer experience) and any way they can.

I am asking any that read this, hold me in the light as I start this healthy journey Feb 1-May 11, a 100 day journey toward health. I would love it if you would walk with me even 1 day(metaphorically speaking... or thru exercise)
Stay tuned for more and thanks..
blessings of laughter and love, deb

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